My Software

Most of my software has now been moved to Github for easy access and collaboration.




JDE is a desktop environment built from one of my previous projects called Glass OS. JDE is a overlay on top of your existing os that enhances customizability.

The repository link

Jordon's Online Browser

Jordon's Online Browser

Jordon's Online Browser is a web browser that uses webkit and python 3. The web browser is still in development and will be a part of Jordon's Desktop Environment.

Download Now!


  • Python 3
  • Python PyQt4
  • Python requests
  • Python pickle
  • Python gi

Glass OS

Glass OS is my most updated program. Its basically a software overlay that goes over the current operation system such Microsoft Windows or Linux. It can be ran in full-screen more or it can run in windowed mode by pressing "ESC". Glass OS is a Graphical user interface that allows the user to customise their user interface. Glass OS currently uses over 2,000 lines of python code and I will continue to develop it for the next few years.

The repository link


Jpad is a text editor like notepad or notepad++. It is designed to give you quick access to tools easily without loosing any functionality. It is included in Jordon OS, Glass OS and JDE and allows you to edit a wide range of files.

Jpad image

Jordon OS

Jordon OS is an older version of Glass OS that is a command line interface. It has some the same functionality as Glass OS but is less user-friendly as it uses the command line interface.

Here's the video:

Download Jordon OS v2

Download the User Manual for Jordon OS v2

Currency Converter

This is the currency converter that I made

Currency Converter is a program that is used to convert currency from one to another.

This is the currency converter that I made

This is my Visual Basic Code.

Download Currency Converter Python Download Currency Converter VBA Download Currency Converter C++ Source